Table of Relationships

VSWR     RETURN LOSS (dB)         % reflection coefficient
1                         Infinite                                        0
1.02                         40                                         1.0
1.035                       35                                         1.7
1.05                         32.3                                      2.45
1.1                           26.4                                      4.8
1 .15                        23.                                        2 7
1.2                           20.8                                      9
1.3                           17.8                                     13
1.4                           15.6                                     16.5
1.5                           14.0                                     20
1.6                           12.8                                     23
1.7                           11.8                                     26
1.8                           10.2                                     31.5
2.0                            9.6                                      33

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